Healthcare improves through the establishment of hospitals and clinics

03 Jan 2023
Healthcare improves through the establishment of hospitals and clinics

Improved healthcare is one of the most important activities in the Mai Ndombe REDD+ project given the very poor health and nutritional status of community members across the project area. Over 1/3 of children under 5 are malnourished and many are at high risk from malaria, together leading to a high mortality rate of 220 per 1000 children. To alleviate this healthcare crisis, the project is improving access to healthcare for the community members through the development of new healthcare facilities within nearby towns and villages whilst developing more reliable transportation to such facilities. Lake transportation is a significant barrier for access to healthcare due to a lack of affordable public transportation. Thus, the project has been offering free and safe voyages to all community members through two passenger boats. The healthcare network is being improved through the region via completion of a new hospital in Ibali, the rehabilitation of two hospitals in Lokanga and Ngongo and the deployment of 18 mobile clinics since the start of the project. Completed medical facilities highlighted are third-party verified as of December 2021.