18 Jun 2022 Over 24,000 enforcement patrols have been conducted since 2015

The project has established an effective boots-on-the-ground protection of this highly threatened forest landscape. Since 2006, the project has achieved zero poaching of Asian elephants and supported significant recovery of ungulates and carnivore populations. The project employs over 350 rangers, who have conducted over 24,000 patrols since 2015 resulting in the removal of 175,534 snares, […]

Continous monitoring of the project area by law enforcement units

Law enforcement units with support from the Project have been successfully collaborating to stop illegal activities and land encroachment incidents, including the seizures of chainsaws, vehicles and timber. The Project partnered with sub-national government agencies–including provincial, districts, communes, and local Forestry Administration officers–to address illegal logging and forest land encroachment. Three teams of law enforcement […]

>500 community members engaged in forest planning sessions

Local Development Committees have been established as key structures for local governance within the project area. Project activities are selected in consultation with the local communities as well as other key stakeholders and officials from different levels of government. The committees enable communities to determine project activities, increase the ability to respond to community issues […]