Everland statement: BBC Panorama

02 May 2024
Everland statement: BBC Panorama

The BBC has just broadcast a program as part of its Panorama series called Big Brands’ Green Claims Uncovered

While we welcome legitimate scrutiny of our work, as we expected, this program is deeply biased towards a predetermined anti-carbon-markets agenda. Despite possessing all the information to report accurately on the projects we represent, and the significant positive impacts they achieve, the BBC opted for sensationalism over responsible journalism; choosing to portray an uninformed and distorted picture of our partners and their work.

Many of the allegations put forward by the BBC have already been comprehensively and transparently addressed by Wildlife Works and Wildlife Alliance over many months. Furthermore, the research the BBC has relied on is widely known to be fundamentally flawed, and we note the program’s reliance on Western critics rather than offering a balanced view from communities on-the-ground. 

We are deeply disappointed that once again, the true story of REDD+ and the critical contribution it is making to forests, forest communities, and the climate, is being fundamentally misrepresented to serve an ideological agenda. That story remains hiding in plain sight for all to see:   

The REDD+ projects we represent safeguard over 1 million hectares of forest, have reduced global emissions by more than 113 million tonnes to date, and helped protect over 160 globally threatened species.

Investment from these projects reaches more than 250,000 local people to fund communities’ own sustainable development ambitions such as clean water, agriculture, healthcare and education programs, new enterprise development and job creation, and the construction and renovation of schools. 

None of this would be possible without the transformative, voluntary action of corporations channeled through the instrument of REDD+.