18 Jun 2022 67,791 hectares of tropical forest protected in a highly threatened landscape

To protect the forest and address the threat of illegal forest land encroachment and logging in the Tumring REDD+ project area, the project team is working with local authorities, communities and relevant provincial departments to improve land security and strengthen agricultural and forest land tenure rights for communities in the area. Securing registration is important […]

11 IUCN Red List species actively protected

21 degraded wildlife habitat sites have been identified and integrated into the targeted biodiversity restoration program. These and other sites within the project area are being continuously monitored by 45 members of the forestry patrol, who complete an average of 110 patrols per year. Such patrols have led to the recovery of hundreds of snares […]

Continous monitoring of the project area by law enforcement units

Law enforcement units with support from the Project have been successfully collaborating to stop illegal activities and land encroachment incidents, including the seizures of chainsaws, vehicles and timber. The Project partnered with sub-national government agencies–including provincial, districts, communes, and local Forestry Administration officers–to address illegal logging and forest land encroachment. Three teams of law enforcement […]

14 Community Forests housing sustainable resin ventures

Generating revenue from resin tapping is important to achieving the project’s long term sustainable development goals and has the potential to contribute substantially to livelihood improvement of the Community Forest (CF) members. Each CF member owns between 70 and 3,000 resin trees, with the average number of ownership being 600 resin trees per household. The […]

200 people with access to clean water

The Prey Sre Pring community forest borders Prey Lang and the community is the most impoverished forest community in the project area. The Project provided a solar-powered water pumping system to the Prey Sre Pring community, giving approximately 200 people access to a reliable source of water. Having this water pumping system that provides safer […]