11 Jul 2024 Cleaner Water, Healthier Futures: Solar Water Wells in Southern Cardamom

“In Cambodia, where rising temperatures have caused many of our water sources – such as rivers, ponds, and small brick wells – to dry up, the REDD+ Project’s provision of water couldn’t have come at a better time.”

05 Jul 2024 The Kasigau Corridor Greenhouse Initiative

“If we plant these trees in our fields, the future generation will learn certain things through these trees that we want to preserve. If we destroy them, the next generation will have no knowledge about the trees we want to preserve.”

Scoring for Sustainability: Conservation Education Through Football 

The Kasigau Corridor REDD+ Project uses football to unite and educate the community about environmental conservation. Matches between staff and locals raise awareness about wildlife protection, address environmental issues, and promote sustainable agriculture. These events foster collaboration and highlight community-led projects funded through carbon credit revenue, making sustainability a shared goal.

27 Jun 2024 Community-Driven Progress in Mai Ndombe: How Kesenge is Leading the Way

“Since the first solar-powered water well, child deaths have dropped significantly, and there are no more waterborne epidemics.”

09 May 2024 Empowering Maasai Women

The Ushanga Kenya project empowers over 3,200 Maasai women through beadwork. This initiative fosters economic growth and sustainable livelihoods by enhancing skills and marketing Ushanga jewelry. With resource centers across the ranches, collaboration between Chyulu Hills REDD+ Project and Ushanga Kenya aims to bring these creations to national and international markets, directly benefiting the female artisans.

23 Apr 2024 Threads of Heritage: The Krama Weaving Collective

Empowering Bunong heritage, the Krama Weaving Group, part of the Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary REDD+ project, modernizes traditional weaving, enhancing efficiency and cultural preservation. With a focus on community collaboration, it introduces innovative techniques to scale production, currently engaging 34 women from Pu Rang and Pu Tang villages.

17 Apr 2024 Cow-Raising for Conservation: Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary

The Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary (KSWS) REDD+ Project partners with local communities through initiatives like Cash for Communities (C4C), providing direct financial support for projects like cow-raising, chicken rearing, and aquaculture. This approach fosters economic growth and natural resource conservation, contributing to deforestation mitigation.

16 Apr 2024 Investing in Education at the Kasigau Corridor REDD+ Project

In Q1 2024, the Kasigau Corridor REDD+ Project initiated vital initiatives to improve education and sanitation. Through community collaboration and government support, 28 toilets were constructed and 12 classrooms were renovated, directly benefiting thousands of students. These efforts enhance education access and promote better health outcomes in the project area.

05 Apr 2024 World Health Day: The Ibali Clinic

The Mai Ndombe REDD+ Project, led by community leaders and our local engagement team, is committed to improving the well-being of communities. Ongoing efforts include constructing facilities, addressing transportation barriers, and collaborating with public health officials to prevent future epidemics, significantly benefiting community healthcare access.

21 Mar 2024 Amplifying Local Voices for Global Change

I can confidently say that effective collaboration with local communities is indispensable for any conservation initiative to be successful. This conviction is the driving force behind my advocacy for the adoption of REDD+ as a transformative model that enhances lives, underlining the importance of amplifying the community’s voice.