18 Jun 2022 >250 local people trained in biodiversity monitoring

A team specialized in biodiversity monitoring tracks high biodiversity areas twice a month, along with local community members who have been trained for that purpose. The project monitored the growth of both elephant and Bonobo populations — with elephants specifically at a high pace. Camera traps have revealed that elephants seem to be slowly returning […]

>500 community members engaged in forest planning sessions

Local Development Committees have been established as key structures for local governance within the project area. Project activities are selected in consultation with the local communities as well as other key stakeholders and officials from different levels of government. The committees enable communities to determine project activities, increase the ability to respond to community issues […]

>600 women have improved access to alternative income streams

The Gender Empowerment Team has taken the lead for increased crop yield and agriculture intensification activities in the project area, with women being instrumental in developing the agricultural plantations across numerous villages in the project area – with a focus on cassava production. A few decades ago, fungi were destroying the cassava crops around Mai […]

11 schools have been built or renovated as a result of the project

Educational facilities have been non-existent or insufficient in most villages across the project zone. A lack of education in the region has been directly correlated with increased deforestation and negative health outcomes. 11 schools have completed construction with a further 7 underway. A total of 32 schools are planned to be completed during the project […]

2,214 people provided with new livelihood opportunities due to the project

Farming of fish is not traditionally undertaken by the local communities. Whilst some villages are home to fisherman, they predominantly use the wild caught method and as such, aquaculture is a very new concept. To sustain their food supply and potential income, the local communities have decided to continue to utilise their carbon offset revenue […]

8 medical facilities supported, providing healthcare to >5500 local community members

Over ⅓ of children under 5 are malnourished and many are at high risk from malaria, leading to a high mortality rate of 220 per 1000 children. To alleviate this healthcare crisis, new facilities are continuing to be built in the project zone – with a total of 8 facilities currently supported by the project. […]

>200,000 hectares of forest protected

To protect the vast dryland forests in the Kasigau Corridor, security teams coordinate regular aerial and foot patrols, collaborating with the local communities, the Kenya Wildlife Service and other NGOs operating in the area. This is particularly important during the fire season, to ensure a coordinated response actively prevents fire outbreaks. In addition to protecting […]

5 IUCN Red List Species actively protected

The Kasigau Corridor is home to more than 20 species of bats, over 50 species of large mammals, over 300 species of birds and important populations of IUCN Red List species, including African Elephants, African Wild Dogs, Cheetahs, Grevy’s Zebras and Lions. The project has been working since 2013 on long term research and development […]

>$1.2 million in bursaries awarded through Locational Carbon Committees (LCCs)

The Locational Carbon Committees (LCCs) is the governance structure through which the communities directly allocate carbon revenue towards community driven initiatives. The LCCs have approved budget spending on various community projects, including awarding >$1.2 million in bursaries to >26,000 students and distributing thousands of facemasks and cleaning supplies for COVID protection in the Q3-Q4 of […]

17 Jun 2022 >1,700 women involved in the Hadithi craft venture generating $250,000 in annual profit

Weaving baskets is a tradition in native Taita culture, a tribe of people living in the hills in South Eastern Kenya. The project supports basket weaving womens groups in the project zone, to provide women with an alternative livelihood option, connecting them to external markets, building capacity and impoving product quality of local craft groups. […]