05 Jul 2024 The Kasigau Corridor Greenhouse Initiative

“If we plant these trees in our fields, the future generation will learn certain things through these trees that we want to preserve. If we destroy them, the next generation will have no knowledge about the trees we want to preserve.”

Scoring for Sustainability: Conservation Education Through Football 

The Kasigau Corridor REDD+ Project uses football to unite and educate the community about environmental conservation. Matches between staff and locals raise awareness about wildlife protection, address environmental issues, and promote sustainable agriculture. These events foster collaboration and highlight community-led projects funded through carbon credit revenue, making sustainability a shared goal.

04 Jun 2024 Kasigau Q1 2024 Spotlight Report

Impact Spotlight Overview Agribusiness + Forestry Department The Kasigau Corridor REDD+ Project (KCRP) is located in eastern Kenya within a semi-arid landscape and encompasses an area where agriculture has been central to the way of life for generations. The majority of residents are farmers, contending with the dual challenges of climate change impacts and economic […]

16 Apr 2024 Investing in Education at the Kasigau Corridor REDD+ Project

In Q1 2024, the Kasigau Corridor REDD+ Project initiated vital initiatives to improve education and sanitation. Through community collaboration and government support, 28 toilets were constructed and 12 classrooms were renovated, directly benefiting thousands of students. These efforts enhance education access and promote better health outcomes in the project area.

11 Jan 2024 Community Stories of Change: The Kasigau Corridor REDD+ Project

“I was born and grew up here, and can tell the difference between when the Kasigau project was here and when it wasn’t.” – Florence Malandi, Board of Management Chair, Kasigau.

01 Dec 2023 Kasigau Corridor Spotlight Report Q3 2023

Spotlight Summary Community Landowners The Kasigau Corridor REDD+ Project stands as a testament to effective collaboration and community-driven conservation with over 120,000 local community members living in the project zone, as well as a landowning community of over 6,000 individuals and families from Taita Taveta County. Transparent and continuous engagement with the community landowners is […]

21 Apr 2023 Too hungry to Learn; Addressing Food Insecurity in the Kasigau Corridor

Communities are building resilience to the far-reaching impacts of drought by embracing conservation agriculture and other strategies aimed at strengthening food security.

01 Apr 2023 Due Diligence Kasigau
31 Mar 2023 Kasigau Spotlight Report Q1 2023

The Wildlife Works’ plot sampling initiative was established to collect biomass data required for monitoring carbon stocks in the Kasigau Corridor REDD+ Project area. Carbon sampling, simply put, is a process that measures trees in order to precisely calculate the amount of carbon stored in them. Different trees hold different amounts of carbon depending on their species, structure and age. The team in Kenya, led by Joshua Kitiro, works closely with the Wildlife Works team in the USA. After receiving coordinates with maps from the technical team in the states, the field team in Kenya begins the tree measurement process within the same area, including recording data, measuring the diameter of the trunk of the tree with tape, capturing the height of the tree, as well as tagging the tree for easy identification.