19 Feb 2024 Yellow-headed temple turtle

A freshwater species native to Southeast Asia, recognized by its distinct yellow head and neck markings. Found predominantly in slow-moving rivers, streams, marshes, and ponds within forested regions, these turtles are primarily aquatic. They have an omnivorous diet, consuming aquatic plants, fruits, insects, and small vertebrates. They face severe threats from habitat loss due to […]

06 Sep 2023 Baudó guan

This fascinating bird is native to the Chocó region of western Colombia and northwestern Ecuador. Known for its distinctive appearance, this large, turkey-sized bird is characterized by its striking black plumage, red gullet, and a unique casque-like structure on its bill. It is predominantly frugivorous, feeding on a variety of fruits and occasionally insects. The […]

Green turtle

These majestic creatures are known for their stunning greenish coloration. They are distributed across tropical and subtropical oceans and are the only herbivorous sea turtle species, predominantly feasting on seagrasses and algae. What’s remarkable is their ability to migrate thousands of miles between feeding and nesting grounds, often returning to the same beach where they […]

Giant anteater

With its distinctive appearance, featuring a long snout, bushy tail, and a tongue that can extend up to two feet, the Giant anteater is a specialized insectivore. It primarily feeds on ants and termites, using its powerful forelimbs and sharp claws to rip open ant nests and termite mounds. Despite its large size, it is […]

Brown-headed spider monkey

This captivating primate is found in the lush rainforests of Central and South America. Recognizable by their long, slender limbs, prehensile tails, and distinctive brown or black faces, these spider monkeys are renowned for their extraordinary agility in the treetops. They are primarily frugivorous, with a diet comprising fruits, leaves, and occasional insects. Spider monkeys […]

Plumbeous forest falcon

This forest-dwelling raptor is known for its striking plumage, which features a dark slate-grey body and red upper face. It has a stealthy and elusive nature, making it challenging to spot in its dense tropical habitat. The plumbeous forest falcon primarily preys on small birds, mammals, and insects, relying on surprise attacks from perches within […]

American crocodile

This remarkable reptile is found in parts of North, Central, and South America, as well as some Caribbean islands. Recognizable by its elongated snout and V-shaped ridges on its back, this semi-aquatic predator is a master of both freshwater and saltwater habitats. They primarily prey on fish, birds, and mammals that venture too close to […]

21 Jan 2023 Giant otter

A carnivorous mammal, the giant otter is native to South America, mostly living in and along the Amazon river. They are the largest of any otter in the world, measuring up to 1.8m in length. They primarily feed on fish but are also known to prey on caiman, piranhas and even anacondas. They are threatened […]

White-fronted capuchin

Native to South America, the white-fronted capuchin is a species of capuchin monkey known for its white underside and light brown back. They primarily feed on fruits and invertebrates, using their tails to hang and swing through trees in the search of food. They are threatened by illegal poaching for meat, the expansion of agriculture […]

White-lipped peccary

The white-lipped peccary is a species of peccary found in Central and South America. They are similar in appearance to pigs, but are covered in grey hair. While they are active during the day, they are mostly nocturnal and constantly move to find food and water. They are threatened by illegal poaching and habitat destruction.