13 Dec 2022 Cheetah

With the ability to reach speeds of 70mph, the Cheetah is known as the fastest land mammal on earth. Native to Africa and central Iran, unlike other predators, they hunt during the day to avoid competition. Their diets consists of gazelles, rabbits and birds. Their spotted coats can act as a camouflage to help catch […]

Grevy’s zebra

Grevy’s Zebras are found in the semi-arid grasslands of Kenya and Ethiopia. They are the largest living wild equids and have unique, distinctive, black and white stripes. Although they can last up to five days without drinking water, the increasing drought conditions in Kenya are threatening their survival. These zebras are hunted for their skin […]

African elephant

As the largest land mammal on the planet, these magnificent animals stand at three meters tall and weigh up to six tonnes. African Elephants migrate through 37 countries within the African continent, consuming huge amounts of grasses, bark and fruit. African Elephants are illegally poached for their ivory tusks which are used for ornaments and […]